
Professor in Computer Science, INSA Rouen NormandieLITIS Laboratory EA 4108

E-mail: click here
Phone: (+33) 232 959 986
Address: Avenue de l’Université – BP 8, 76801 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Cedex, France
ORCID: 0000-0002-0918-8033

Current responsibilities :

  • Vice head of the LITIS lab
  • Animator of the Pôle stratégique de recherche et de formation Sciences du Numérique for Normandie Université

Former responsibilities :

  • Head of the education field for the coordination of the national strategy in artificial intelligence at Inria
  • President of the Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems college of AFIA (Association Française d’Intelligence Artificielle) (2017-2020)
  • Assistant editor of RIA (Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle) (2017-2019)
  • Scientific chair of JFSMA 2015 (Journées Francophones des Systèmes Multi-Agents) and EASSS 2012 (European Agent Systems Summer School)
  • Organizing chair of RFIA 2014 (Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle)
  • Head of the MIND group of LITIS (2014-2017)