Teaching – Innovative pedagogies

Innovative Pedagogies for Courses

Here is a presentation of some original pedagogical realizations in the field of education for various courses levels :


INSA ISO9001:2008 Certified Project (PIC)

The pedagogic notion of PIC leads graduate students  to manage and to realize a real size project for a « client » in a context of teamwork (6-8 students) using an ISO 9001: 2015 referential. The P3 Unit (Pedagogy By Project), which I managed  between 9/2006 and 9/2015, is in charge of this activity. Every year an external auditor controls the work performed by the students (the production for their « clients » and the update of the referential) and makes his report to the AFNOR Certification, a French organism issuing the ISO 9001 certificate .

The topics widely vary : an IT management application to studies with research centers. The « clients » are highly variable business structure: from start-ups to large companies (EDF, Valeo, Cap Gemini, …) through public institutions (Rouen University Hospital, Local representation of the National Education Minister.) and non-profit or humanitarian organizations (UNICEF).




On-line Spatial database course

Carried by the UNIT foundation, the uTop project aims to offer training courses and not only teaching bricks as UNIT offers . In this project, a sub-project led by the National School of Geographic Sciences offers a course oriented towards Geographical Information Sciences. As part of this sub-project, we have received funds to develop a curriculum (audio video) on ( spatial) databases. This course complements a previous experience (in 2004) to provide students with an audio-video support.

This course serves as a support for education in a partial « Blended learning » course and partially in traditional face-to-face (Courses and exercises). This pedagogy is based on the following principles: the course is provided by a set of videos and question-and-answer sessions. At the end of each session (2 or 3 weeks), a test based on multiple choice queries verifies the students’ knowledge acquisition. A questions and answers course is offered to be sure students have the required knowledge to continue the course.


MOOC : Be an Actor of the Web !

This MOOC was initiated in cooperation with Telecom SudParis, and in conjunction with the University of Picardie in the field of the Internet ( SAW ! – Be an Actor of the Web) and has been open since 2014. The target level  is « for undergraduate student and beginners ». It serves as an entry point to more detailed MOOCs . It focuses on two jobs in the web area : community manager and implementation of websites (HTML / CSS / Client-Server) .

Part of this MOOC serves as support for an introduction course to Web technologies in a apprenticeship cursus. The used pedagogy is in this case full « Blended Learning ».

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Last update (YYYY-MM-DD): 2016-02-26