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(Short CV)
Current Assistant professor at LITIS, INSA de Rouen.
Behavioural modeling and multiagent systems.
Researcher (2009-2013) Researcher in the LEPSiS unit (Ifsttar).
Behavioural modelling and simulation applied to transport.
Postdoctoral fellowship (2008-2009) Project SAGECE (simulation for the improvement of crisis management learning)
Modeling of the decision process of virtual autonomous agents for crisis simulation
PhD. Thesis (2004-2008) Multi-party communications and their regulation in multi-agent systems
LAMSADE, Univ. Paris-Dauphine
Advisors: Suzanne Pinson, Professor (LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine) and Flavien Balbo, Associate Professor (LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine + INRETS)
Defence committee: Olivier Boissier, ENS Mines-St Etienne; René Mandiau, LAMIH, Valenciennes; Yves Demazeau, LIG, Grenoble; Edwin Diday, CEREMADE, Paris-Dauphine
Scientific Activities
Action Member of GenderSTE COST workgroup.
Committees Member of the program committee of the JFSMA 2012 to 2018, WACAI 2014 to 2018, the simulation track at SAC'09 (ACM) and SAC'10, RJCIA'09.
Reviews External reviewer for the IAT'11, AAMAS'1009 to AAMAS'13, EEMMAS'07, Agent Communication 2006., JFSMA'06 conferences.
2019 F. Giustozzi, J. Saunier, C. Zanni-Merk : Abnormal Situations Interpretation in Industry 4.0 using Stream Reasoning. Procedia Computer Science. 2019 Jan 1;159:620-9.
U. Malik, M. Barange, N. Ghannad, J. Saunier, A. Pauchet : A Generic Machine Learning based Approach for Addressee Detection in Multiparty Interaction. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents 2019 Jul 1 (pp. 119-126).IVA 2019. Dataset
U. Malik, M. Barange, J. Saunier, A. Pauchet : Using Multimodal Information to Enhance Addressee Detection in Multiparty Interaction, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 267-274 (short), 2019.
2018 Yamak, Z.; Saunier, J. & Vercouter, L.: SocksCatch: Automatic detection and grouping of sockpuppets in social media. Knowledge-Based Systems 149, 124-142. Dataset
Giustozzi, F., Saunier, J., Zanni-Merk, C.: Context Modeling for Industry 4.0: an Ontology-Based Proposal. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference, KES-2018
Saunier, J.: Simulation du comportement latéral des véhicules fondée sur une approche à base de forces. In Actes des JFSMA 2018, Distibution et décentralisation, 2018.
Malik, U.; Barange, M.; Saunier, J. and Pauchet, A. : Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Models trained on Manual vs ASR Transcriptions for Dialogue Act Annotation. In Proceedings of ICTAI 2018, 2018.
2017 Yamak, Z.; Saunier, J. & Vercouter, L.: Automatic detection of multiple account deception in social media. Web Intelligence, 2017, 15, 219-231
Barange, M.; Saunier, J. & Pauchet, A.: Pedagogical Agents as Team Members: Impact of Proactive and Pedagogical Behavior on the User. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2017, 791-800
Barange, M.; Saunier, J. & Pauchet, A.: Multiparty Interactions for Coordination in a Mixed Human-Agent Teamwork. International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2017, 29-42
Barange, M.; Saunier, J. & Pauchet, A.: Interactions multiparties pour la coordination d'équipes mixtes humains-agents. Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2017), 2017
2016 Julien Saunier, Mukesh Barange, Bernard Blandin, Ronan Querrec and Joanna Taoum: Designing Adaptable Virtual Reality Learning Environments. To appear in Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2016), ACM
Z. Yamak, L. Vercouter, J. Saunier : Detection of Multiple Identity Manipulation in Collaborative Projects. In WI & C, Workshop held at WWW 2016, à paraître, 2016
Kévin Darty, Julien Saunier, Nicolas Sabouret: Évaluation et calibration des comportements des agents pour les simulations immersives. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 30(1-2): 237-260 (2016)
Julien Saunier, Mukesh Barange, Bernard Blandin, Ronan Querrec (2016). A methodology for the design of pedagogically adaptable learning environments, The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2016, 16 (01): 15-21
Zaher Yamak, Julien Saunier, Laurent Vercouter: Une méthodologie pour la détection automatique de comptes multiples dans les réseaux sociaux. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 30(4): 419-440 (2016)
Mukesh Barange, Julien Saunier, Alexandre Pauchet: Une architecture d'agent conversationnel collaboratif et pédagogique pour les simulations immersives (démonstration). JFSMA 2016: 249-250
2015 J. Saunier, C. Carrascosa, S. Galland, P. Simo-Kanmeugne. Agent bodies: an interface between agent and environment. A paraître dans Environment for MultiAgent Systems : Ten years later, collection LNAI, Springer, 16 pages, 2015.
K. Darty, J. Saunier, N. Sabouret : Calibration of Multi-Agent Simulations through a Participatory Experiment. Extended abstract, proceedings of AAMAS'15, 2pp, à paraître, 2015
Kévin Darty, Julien Saunier and Nicolas Sabouret: Calibration de simulations multi-agents à l'aide d'une méthode semi-automatique d'analyse du comportement. A paraître dans JFSMA 2015, 23èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 10 pp, 2015
Lancelot Six, Julien Saunier, Zahia Guessoum and Sio-Song Ieng : Une méthode incrémentale de conception dirigée par les tests pour la simulation multi-agents. A paraître dans JFSMA 2015, 23èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 10 pp, 2015
Julien Saunier : De l'intérêt de la cognition incarnée pour les agents logiciels. A paraître dans JFSMA 2015, 23èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 10 pp, 2015
2014 J. Saunier, H. Jones: Mixed Agent/Social Dynamics for Emotion Computation. Proceedings of AAMAS'14, à paraître, 8pp, 2014.
Darty Kévin, Saunier Julien, and Sabouret Nicolas: Agents behavior semi-automatic analysis through their comparison to human behavior clustering. IVA 2014, The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents.
J. Saunier, F. Balbo, S. Pinson: A Formal Model of Communication and Context Awareness in Multiagent Systems. Accepté dans Journal of Logic, Language and Information Springer.
J. Saunier : Bridging the gap between agent and environment : the missing body. Proceedings of E4MAS'14, Workshop held at AAMAS 2014, France, 2014
K. Darty, J. Saunier, N. Sabouret : A method for semi-automatic explicitation of agent's behavior: application to the study of an immersive driving simulator. Proceedings of ICAART'14, Angers, France, 2014
K. Darty, J. Saunier, N. Sabouret : Effects of Gender on Presence and Virtual Driver Perception in Driving Simulators, Women Issues in Transportation 2014, 2014
2013 J. Saunier, H. Jones: Dynamiques émotionnelles dans une population d'agents incarnés. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 27 (6), 30pp, 2013.
Hazaël Jones et Julien Saunier. Perception et émotions des conducteurs : une modélisation à base de règles floues, à paraître dans les actes des 21ème Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA), 2013.
Kevin Darty, Julien Saunier et Nicolas Sabouret. Extraction de comportements pour l'étude de la crédibilité des agents, à paraître dans les actes des 21ème Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA), 2013.
F. Balbo, J. Saunier, F. Badeig. Evaluation of environment contextual services in multiagent systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science 271, Springer, 2013
Lancelot SIX, Zahia Guessoum, Julien Saunier, Sio-Song Ieng. Towards a truck-driver model using an hysteresis based analysis and testing approach. Extended abstract, à paraître dans proceedings of AAMAS'13, 4pp, 2013
2012 Lancelot SIX, Sio-Song Ieng, Julien Saunier, Zahia Guessoum. Understanding simulated driver behavior using hysteresis loops, to appear in 13-th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, September 2012
F. Balbo, J. Saunier, F. Badeig. Evaluation of environment contextual services in multiagent systems, à paraître dans Communications in Computer and Information Science 271, Springer, 2012
L. Bourgois, J. Saunier, J.-M. Auberlet. Towards contextual goal-oriented perception for pedestrian simulation, ICAART 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 6-8 février 2012.
2011 F. Balbo, F. Badeig, J. Saunier. Evaluating the cost of supporting interaction and simulation through the environment, In 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART'2011), Roma, Italy, 28-30 January, 2011, pages 126-135.
Hazaël Jones, Julien Saunier and Domitile Lourdeaux. Fuzzy Rules for Events Perception and Emotions in an Agent Architecture. in the EUropean Society for Fuzzy Logic And Technology. (EUSFLAT 2011), Aix-Les-Bains, France, 18-22 July 2011.
2010 J. Saunier, H. Jones, D. Lourdeaux: Modeling empathy and placebo for autonomous virtual humans. Proceedings of Intelligent Agent Technology 2010, IEEE Press.
2009 J. Saunier, F. Balbo: Regulated Multi-Party Communications and Context Awareness through the Environment. In International Journal on Multi-Agent and Grid Systems, vol 5 (1), pages 75-91, 2009, IOSPRESS.
J. Saunier, H. Jones, D. Lourdeaux: I feel what you feel: empathy and placebo mechanisms for autonomous virtual humans, (short). Proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agent 2009 to appear in LNCS series, 2009, Springer Verlag.
H. Jones, J. Saunier, D. Lourdeaux: Personality, Emotions and Physiology in a BDI agent architecture: the PEP -> BDI model, (short). Proceedings of Intelligent Agent Technology 2009 to appear, 2009, IEEE Press.
J. Saunier, H. Jones, D. Lourdeaux: Démonstration - L'environnement comme support de l'empathie et des effets placebo pour la simulation d'humains virtuels. Actes des journées francophones des Systèmes multi-agents 2009, à paraître, 2009, éditions Cépaduès.
Flavien Balbo, Julien Saunier, E. Diday and Suzanne pinson: De l'utilisation de l'Analyse de Données Symboliques dans les Systèmes Multi-Agents. In E15, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances EGC'2009, éditions Cépaduès, 2009
Hazaël Jones, Julien Saunier and Domitile Lourdeaux: Vers une intégration des facteurs physiologiques, de personnalité et d'émotion dans les agents cognitifs. Proceedings of RJCIA'09, Hammamet, Tunisie, 2009
2008 F. Balbo, J. Saunier: On the use of Symbolic Data Analysis to model communication environments. In Proceedings of Cooperative Information Agents, Pragues, Czech Republic, September 2008. LNAI 5180. Springer Verlag
J. Saunier: Les communications multi-parties et leur régulation dans les systèmes multi-agents: modèle et support. Ph.d Thesis, Université Paris-Dauphine, 2008.
2007 J. Saunier et F. Balbo: An environment to support multi-party communications in multi-agent systems. In Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V, 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2007, Leipzig, Germany, pages 52--61, September 2007. LNAI 4696. Springer Verlag
J. Saunier, F. Balbo: Vers un Support des Communications Multi-Parties pour les Systèmes Multi-Agents, (short). Dans les actes de la conférence Modèles Formels de l'Interaction (MFI'07), annales du LAMSADE, Paris, 2007.
J. Saunier, F. Balbo, F. Badeig: Environment as Active Support of the Interaction In Danny Weyns, H. Van Dyke Parunak, Fabien Michel (Eds): Environments for Multiagent Systems, LNAI 4389, Springer-Verlag, 2007.
2006 M. Zargayouna, J. Saunier, F. Balbo: Property Based Coordination In J. Euzenat and J. Domingue (Eds) : International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA 2006), Varna, Bulgarie, pages 3-12, Septembre 2006. LNAI 4183. Springer-Verlag.
2005 F. Balbo, M. Zargayouna, J. Saunier: Informational middleware based on mutual awareness (short). In A. Skowron, J.-P. Barthes, L. Jain, R. Sun, P. M-. Mahoudeaux, J. Liu and N. Zhong (Eds) : IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2005), Compiègne - France, pages 58-62, Septembre 2005. IEEE Computer Society Press.
M. Zargayouna, F. Balbo, J. Saunier Trassy: Agent Information Server: a middleware for traveler information, in post proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Engineering Societies in the Agents' World (ESAW'05), Turkey, Springer Verlag, LNAI 3963, October 2005
F. Balbo, J. Saunier, S. Pinson, M. Zargayouna: An operational model for mutual awareness, (short). In Pechoucek, Michal; Petta, Paolo; Varga, László Z (Eds), Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, 4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Springer Verlag, LNAI 3690 pp 531--534, September 2005
2004 F. Balbo, N. Maudet, J. Saunier: Interactions opportunistes par l'écoute flottante, (short). In O. Boissier, editor, "Systèmes multi-agents. Défis scientifiques et nouveaux usages : JFSMA'2004", Hermes, Novembre 2004
2014-2015 INSA-Rouen STPI 1: I1 (responsable, cours/td) et I2 ( cours/td)
STPI 2: Projets info
ASI 4: Technologies Web (TDM) GM 5: Réalité Virtuelle (responsable)
2013-2014 INSA-Rouen STPI 1: I1 (cours/td) et I2 (TD)
STPI 2: Projets info
ASI 4: Technologies Web (TDM)
2012-2013 EPITA Introduction aux systèmes multi-agents(Cours)
2010-2011 C/C++, C#, Excel + VBA, DLL. Master 2 IF.(Lecture)
2008-2009 Environment for multiagent systems (Lecture), in Artificial Intelligence 4 (Jean Paul Barthès), Université de Compiègne,
2007-2008 C/C++, Excel + VBA, DLL. Master 2 ISF.(Lecture)
Computer Science (Java). DU MI2E, second year.(Lecture)
Initiation to Databases (Access). SG, third year.(Lab work)
2006-2007 C/C++, Excel + VBA, DLL. Master 2 ISF.(Lecture)
Computer Science 1, Java. DU MI2E, first year.(Tutorial/lab work)
2005-2006 Introduction to computer science, Maple. GEA first year.(Lecture/Tutorial)
Computer Science 2, Maple & Foxpro. GEA second year.(Lecture/Turorial)
2004-2005 Introduction to computer science, Maple. GEA first year.(Lecture/Tutorial)


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