
Welcome to my page! I am a Full Professor at the University of Rouen Normandy (URN).

Research: I am with the LITIS lab, and my research work deals with medical image  analysis with machine learning.

Teaching: I teach courses at both the undergraduate and the graduate level on topics such as digital signal and image processing, statistics, etc. Nothing related to teaching on this website. Everything is in our moodle: https://universitice.univ-rouen.fr/ (restricted access).

Contact : caroline dot petitjean at univ-rouen dot fr

Current duties and responsibilities (as of June 2024)

International activities:

In France:

  • PI of the ANR project MEDISEG (2021-2025)
  • Elected member at Section 7 at the CoNRS 2021-2026
  • Co-Supervisor of Syed Hasany PhD thesis with F. Mériaudeau
  • Co-Supervisor of Diane Chan Sock Line PhD thesis with N Debroux and C Le Guyader
  • Co-animatrice de l’axe Image de la FR 3638 Normastic
  • Jury member of a Chaire de Professeur Junior in Data Science of Health at the CNRS
  • Member of the Conseil Scientifique Plénier of ENSEA, Cergy (scientific board of an engineering school) from 2021
  • Membre du comité scientifique de IABM 2024
  • Gender equity referring person of the LITIS lab since 2023
  • Member of the LITIS Lab council  since 2012

Teaching related duties:

  • Head of the 2nd year of the Master SD (data science) since 2020
  • Membre nommée du Département de Physique de l’URN depuis 2017.
  • Tutor of one student of the MINMACS graduate school (2023-24)
