NB: the links seem to be not clickable sometimes. However if you copy the url of the link and paste it into your browser, it works.
Training data:
- TrainingSet.rar (about 130 MB): DCM images, listing files of image to be segmented, contour files (16 patients, P01 to P16). password: ceusmdppma
- P01-images_with_manual_contours.zip (about 920 KB): This zip file contains example images (from P01 of the training data) overlaid with the corresponding manual contours. These are intended to help users understand how the manual contour coordinates relate to the image files.
- RVSCImagesContoursFormat.pdf: This file explains the DCM images and contour file format and naming convention.
- Please note that although full cycle MR images are provided, manual segmentation is available on ED and ES phases only (hence the contour files are provided only for these images).
Evaluation code:
- RVSCEvaluationCode.zip (about 9KB): a Matlab code for performance assessment of your segmentation method on the Training Set – it can be straightforwardly adapted to assess results on Test1 and Test2 sets.
- RVSCEvaluationCodeHelpFile.pdf: a document detailing the evaluation measures and how to launch the evaluation code.
Test1 data:
- Test1Set.rar (about 150 MB): DCM images, listing files of image to be segmented (16 patients, P17 to P32)
- Test1SetContours.zip: contour files
Test2 data:
- Test2Set.rar (about 133 MB): DCM images, listing files of image to be segmented (16 patients, P33 to P48) – password: ihniwtpbtpw
- Test2SetContours.zip: contour files