I have organized or co-organized several projects that aim at releasing public datasets and evaluation protocol:
- The SegTHOR competition at IEEE ISBI’19! visit the SegTHOR website.
- CAp 2018 competition: My Tailor is rich! Predicting English level by analyzing writing styles.
- Pattern Spotting in Medieval Document Images: visit http://spotting.univ-rouen.fr/
- BreaKHis dataset (histopathological images of breast cancer), setup during the STIC AmSud project.
- I organized a Challenge on Right Ventricle Segmentation (RVSC) in cardiac MRI during MICCAI’12. You can still download and use the dataset. Collation paper presenting the RVSC results is downloadable here: RSCVMedIApaper_finalversion
Rosana El Jurdi github: https://github.com/rosanajurdi/Perimeter_loss
Zoé Lambert github: https://github.com/zoelambert/GEOMETRICALLY-CONSTRAINED-DEEP-NETWORK