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Pedagogical committee

  • 2022-2024

    Creation of the « Mix énergétique et réseaux intelligents » Engineering diploma at ISEL

  • 2023

    Participation to the creation of « Resilience of Logistics Systems and Application » University Diploma, a full path program in English at ISEL

  • 2019-present

    Member of the ISEL pedagogical board, Le Havre Normandie University

  • 2018

    Participation to the creation of « Big Data Engineer » Diploma, a partnership between Technological University of Troyes (UTT) and Afrique Data Labs

  • 2014-2018

    Elected member of the Computer Science and Information Systems (ISI) pedagogical board, UTT

  • 2010-2011

    Elected member of the ISI board, UTT

Production of pedagogical material – Courses’ responsible

  • 2020-present

    Graph theory and combinatorial optimization, Le Havre Normandie University

  • 2019-present

    Algorithms, ISEL Engineering program- 3rd year, Le Havre Normandie University

  • 2016-2019

    Information retrieval, Big Data Master of UTT

  • 2010-2019

    Modelling and evaluating complex systems, ISI Engineering program, 3rd year, UTT

  • 2018-2019

    Advanced optimization methods, PhD level, UTT

  • 2018-2019

    Optimization and reliability systems: methods and tools, PhD level, UTT

  • 2018-2019

    Intelligent transportation, PhD level, UTT

  • 2017-2019

    Smart mobility, Engineering programs, UTT

  • 2012

    Practical courses of MySQL and easyPhP, ISI Engineering program, UTT

  • 2009

    Optimization and evaluation of uncertain systems, ISIMA Engineering program, Clermont-Auvergne University