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All projects mentionned above I am (was) responsible

Current research projects

Winning Normandie (2023-2025)

Financial support : European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska – Curie grant agreement N° 101034329

DEMATRANS Route (2022-2025)

Financial support : FNADT and Normandie Région

Industrial projects Chaire LOGIN: MOZART, BIPORT, BIODIV (2022-2024)

Financial support : Plan de relance, ANR (Research National Agence, France)

Past research projects

LIAD ANR project (2021-2023)

Topic : Optimizing and valorizing sites’ dismantling in the aftermath of industrial disasters in urban areas – A reverse logistics application.
Financial support : ANR (Research National Agence, France)
ANR LIAD Project

ORCI project (2020-2023)

Topic : Optimization of cleaning residues after industrial disasters.
Financial support : Région Le Havre Normandie et Le Havre Seine Métropole

LIS project (2020-2022)

Topic : Logistics operations after industrial disasters.
Financial support : FEDER-FSE/Haute Normandie

TRIDE project (2018-2021)

Topic : Rich vehicle routing problems for cleaning a large urban area after major disasters.
Financial support : Conseil Départemental de l’Aube and FEDER

INNOV’ACTION project AGIR (2016-2018)

Topic : Support decision system to manage disruptions on road networks.
Financial support : Champagne-Ardenne Region, Troyes

ODS project (2015-2018)

Topic : Models and applications to manage urban network infrastructures
Financial support : Beijing YuanZhi Tiancheng Technology Co, Chine

OLIC Project (2014-2016)

Topic : Methods for network rehabilation, work troops scheduling problem and last-mile distribution after major earthquakes.
Financial support : CSFRS, Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégique

Essaimage Project METHODI (2012-2015)

Topic : Robust optimization approaches for Vehicles Routing Problems with uncertain travelling time and demands
Financial support : Champagne-Ardenne Region, Troyes

Incentive project TOAST (2013-2014)

Topic : Tactical optimization strategies to adapt urban transportation networks.
Financial support : DRRT, Délégations Régionales à la Recherche et à la Technologie

Exploratory project UMR STMR (2011)

Topic : Generalized Vehicle Routing problems in case of disasters
Financial support : Exploratory project STMR