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  • 2022-present

    Director of the Engineering Institute of Logistics (ISEL, Le Havre Normandie University)

  • 2022-Présent

    Permanent guest member of the National Geipi Polytech Contest

  • 2020-present

    Member of the Le Havre Nomandie University academic board, Le Havre Normandie University

  • 2019-present

    Elected member of the ISEL administrative board, Le Havre Normandie University


  • 2020-2022

    Deputy Vice-President of the digital transformation

  • 2018-2019

    Elected member of the UTT administrative board

  • 2017-2019

    Responsible of the UTT energy transition operational program

  • 2017-2019

    Head of the ISI international program

  • 2015-2019

    Appointed member of the UTT foundation

  • 2015-2019

    Member of the LOSI laboratory board

  • 2014-2018

    Elected member of the UTT administrative board

  • 2014-2018

    Appointed Member of the UTT disciplinary sections

  • 2012-2014

    Head of the ISI International program, UTT