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Congratulations to Yves Lastennet that will start his PhD on Artificial Intelligence to search victims after majors disaster in 2024.

Welcome to Yves Lastennet arrived as Engineering research in an industrial project DEMATRANS route in 2023, at the ISEL.

New volume of the « Cahiers de la logistique »: Nouvelles applications et approches pour la mobilité urbaine et périurbaine.

Welcome to Thiago Giachetto arrived as Engineering research in an industrial project of the ISEL Chaire in 2023, at the ISEL.   

Welcome to Lucas Assunção who arrived to his Post-doctoral studies in the Winning Normandie Program in 2023, at the LITIS team, ISEL.  

Welcome to Mahshid Yadegari who arrived to a PhD in partenship with Molde University college in 2023, at the LITIS team, ISEL.  

Welcome to Yves Lastennet who arrived as Engineering research in an industrial project of the ISEL Chaire in 2023, at the LITIS team, ISEL.  

Welcome to Criston Souza who arrived to a sabbatical year in 2023, at the LITIS team, ISEL.  

New volume of the « Cahiers de la logistique »: Circuits cours alimentaires 

Congratulations to Felix Combaud who integrates on Octobre 1st, 2022 the PhD program at the LITIS team.  

Welcome to Alban Maillard who arrived on February  1st, 2022 as a trainee at the LITIS team in the context of his master studies. 

Welcome to Felix Combaud who arrived on Octobre 1st, 2021 as Research Enginneer of the LIAD Project.

Octobre 21, 2021. Rencontre régionale de la logistique de circuits courts alimentaires et de proximité à 9h30. 

Welcome to Julien Autuori who arrived on September 15, 2021 for his post-doctoral studies in the LIAD Project.

Welcome to Matheus Haddad who arrived on September 13, 2021 for his post-doctoral studies in the LIS Project.

Launch of the ANR LIAD project on September 01, 2021. A project led by LITIS-RI2C, in partnership with LOMC.